Corporate Governance > Composition of The Board

Composition of The Board

The Board currently has seven (7) members comprising one (1) Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman, three (3) Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors and three (3) Independent Non-Executive Directors.

Name of Directors Status of Directorship Independent/Non-Independent Director
General Dato’ Seri DiRaja Tan Sri (Dr.) Mohd Zahidi bin Haji Zainuddin (R) (Chairman) Non-Executive Non-Independent
Raja Tan Sri Dato' Seri Aman bin Raja Haji Ahmad Non-Executive Non-Independent
En. Abd Malik bin A. Rahman Non-Executive Independent
Mr. Ignatius Chan Tze Ching Non-Executive Non-Independent
Mr. Joseph Yuk Wing Pang Non-Executive Non-Independent
Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali bin Mohd Yusoff * Non-Executive Independent
Dato’ Mohd Hata bin Robani ^ Non-Executive Independent

* Appointed on 20 January 2017

^ Appointed on 7 February 2017